Everything you'd expect

Antarctica is everything you'd expect.

A Frozen Continent that takes 2 days to get to from the End of the World. When you finally see land, you understand what those avid explorers that ventured out into the Oceans must've felt.

The land, is snow and ice. Sunlight reflects everywhere in a magical way, as the ship makes its way through frozen bays.

The silence is broken only by icebergs cracking. No other humans in sight. It would be very eerie if it weren't for the locals: colonies of penguins, seals, birds and whales. What a sight. Pristine natural landscapes as they were intended hundreds of years ago. There is no other part of the World like it.

The most majestic outdoors you will ever see.

In this journey of a lifetime, you want the best company. At the end of the day, you're in a ship for over 9 days, so your travel family will impact your experience as much as Antarctica's magic, or the weather will.

That's why we have got you covered.

  • The best ship (brand new) & crew
  • The best season to visit
  • The best price
  • The best travel family

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